Dr. Werner Nohl · landscape architect · honorary professor (Technical University of Munich)

The puzzle of open spaces - Types and systems of open spaces in cities

With the urbanization of industrial society, nature in cities has become a scarce resource. The pressure on the remaining urban open spaces is immense and will increase considerably with growing density of population and necessity of climatic reorientation. Constituent for future open space planning as service of general interest will therefore not only be the boundary conditions of limited and burdened nature but also the possibility of self-determined use of open spaces. Therefore  particularly the construction and preservation of those open space types and open space systems are needed, which function as life-promoting places for future urban residents.

This audio was created as teaching material in 2021 at the Institute for Open Space Development (Prof. Oppermann) at Leibnitz University Hannover, Germany, and is based on an interview Barb Mehrens conducted with Werner Nohl in 2015. The basic contents were already developed by Werner Nohl in the 70s of the last century and are published in the book: Werner Nohl, "Städtischer Freiraum und Reproduktion der Arbeitskraft" (Urban open spaces and reproduction of working power), Vol. 2 of the Series "Studien" (IMU Institute for Media Research and Urbanistics, ed.), Munich 1983.

To listen to the audio go to the German version "Das Puzzle der Freiräume: Freiraumtypen und Freiraumsysteme in der Stadt (Audio 2021)"

Impressum · Kontakt · last modified03/22/2024

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